Flying Drones With Particle Detectors
Nowadays we study the Universe using a number of probes and techniques. Over the course of the past 100 years we moved from barely using optical telescopes, that give us access to the flux of visible photons from galaxies, supernovae, and other objects... Continue reading
Starship manda in orbita la competizione
Con i due lanci di Hera ed Europa Clipper e il successo del test del nuovo lanciatore Starship, il divario fra SpaceX e la concorrenza si fa sempre più ampio. Ne parla l’astrofisica Patrizia Caraveo in questo commento pubblicato la settimana scorsa sul Sole24Ore, che riprendiamo qui con il suo consenso Continue reading
Some Notes On The Utility Function Of Fundamental Science Experiments
Earlier this year I mentioned here that I would be writing an article on how the utility function of experiments in fundamental science could be specified, as an enabling step toward the formalization of a co-design optimization problem. Now, as the de... Continue reading
L’anno dell’intelligenza artificiale
I premi Nobel per la fisica e per la chimica assegnati nel 2024 hanno una matrice comune: l’intelligenza artificiale. E premiano anche la capacità – molto umana – di collegare discipline sostanzialmente diverse. Vi proponiamo una riflessione degli astrofisici dell’Inaf di Arcetri Francesco Belfiore e Germano Sacco sul riconoscimento più atteso dell’anno Continue reading
Understanding Expected Limits, Observed Limits, Exclusion Regions In Particle Physics Graphs
I recently got engaged in a conversation with a famous retired mathematician / cosmologist about the phenomenology of Higgs bosons in the Standard Model of particle physics, and very soon we ended up discussing a graph produced by the CMS collaboration... Continue reading
Establishing Benchmarks For Use Of AI In Fundamental Science: Two Proposals To Move Forward
These days I am in the middle of a collaborative effort to write a roadmap for the organization of infrastructures and methods for applications of Artificial Intelligence in fundamental science research. In so doing I wrote a paragraph concerning bench... Continue reading
Optimization In Valencia
Last week I was in Valencia, to attend the fourth MODE Workshop on Differentiable Programming for Experiment Design. It was a great meeting, with 80 participants eager to discuss their latest results in application of complex deep neural network models... Continue reading
A New Gamma Ray Observatory In Northern Chile
The SWGO Collaboration (SWGO stands for Southern Wide-Field Gamma Observatory) met this week in Heidelberg, hosted by the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics (MPIK) to discuss progress in the many activities that its members are carrying forward t... Continue reading