News Of The Demise Of The Standard Model Were Exaggerated
Each man kills the thing he loves, sang Jeanne Moreau in a beautiful song some thirty years ago. But the sentence is actually a quote from Oscar Wilde - aren't all smart quotes from that amazing writer?Anyway, in some way this rather startling concept ... Continue reading
Some Additional Tests Of The RadiaCode
In the previous post I have described some of the main functionalities of the RadiaCode 103 radiation spectrometer, which the company graciously made available for my tests. Here I want to discuss some additional tests I have done, using radioactive sa... Continue reading
Your Portable Radiation Spectrometer – The Wondrous Radiacode 103
A few days ago I put my hands on a RadiaCode 103, a pocket radiation counter, dosimeter, and spectrometer that has recently appeared on the market. The company that produces it, RadiaCode, is located in Cyprus (see The instrumen... Continue reading
Exchange Sac In Blitz
Time and again, I play a "good" blitz chess game. In blitz chess you have 5 minutes thinking for the totality of your game. This demands quick reasoning and a certain level of dexterity - with the mouse, if you are playing online as I usually do.My bli... Continue reading
Opposer At A PhD Defense
Yesterday I was in Oslo, where I was invited tro serve as the leading opposer in the Ph.D. defense of a student of Alex Read, who is a particle physicist and a member of the ATLAS collaboration. Although I have served in similar committees several time... Continue reading
Acknowledging Giorgio’s Mentoring Superpowers
Yesterday I gladly attended a symposium in honor of Giorgio Bellettini, who just turned 90. The italian physicist, who had a very big impact in particle physics in his long and illustrious career, is still very active -e.g. he makes all the hard questi... Continue reading
A Workshop You Should Not Miss
... if you are a researcher in physics or astrophysics and you are working with machine learning, that is.Between September 23 and 25 - just when summer is over - we will meet in Valencia, Spain, to discuss the latest developments in deep learning appl... Continue reading
A Cool Rare Decay
By and large, particle physicists confronted with the need to awe and enthuse an audience of laypersons will have no hesitation in choosing to speak about the Higgs boson and its mysteries - undoubtedly a fascinating story that requires one to start wi... Continue reading