Discover IAEA’s E-Learning Series on Safety Standards
An e-learning series on IAEA safety standards is now fully available online, fostering global awareness and effective application of the safety standards, which strengthen nuclear safety across diverse sectors. Continue reading
Nigeria makes strides in cancer control, views decentralization of services to expand access
Nigeria has advanced its national cancer control programme in the last decade and is making steady progress towards expanding care for millions of people, an international assessment has found. Continue reading
Update 269 – IAEA Director General Statement on Situation in Ukraine
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) staff reported hearing loud blasts near Ukraine's Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) today, coinciding with reports of a drone attack on the plant's training center, marking yet another threat to nuclear sa... Continue reading
Holiday Chess Riddle
During Christmas holidays I tend to indulge in online chess playing a bit too much, wasting several hours a day that could be used to get back on track with the gazillion research projects I am currently trying to keep pushing. But at times it gives me... Continue reading
Individuata l’origine di un lampo radio veloce
Utilizzando i dati del radiotelescopio Chime, in Canada, gli scienziati del Mit hanno individuato le origini di un lampo radio veloce, Frb 20221022, probabilmente emerso dalla magnetosfera turbolenta attorno a una stella di neutroni in una galassia a 200 milioni di anni luce da noi. Il burst sembra provenire da una regione estremamente piccola, con un diametro di circa 10mila chilometri. Lo studio su Nature Continue reading
Update 268 – IAEA Director General Statement on Situation in Ukraine
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is assessing observations and information collected from its recent missions to Ukraine's electrical substations, conducted in the aftermath of attacks on the nation’s energy infrastructure, as part of the ... Continue reading
How Nuclear Science Uncovers the Story of Coffee
The IAEA and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations support countries in using nuclear techniques to ensure coffee quality and authenticity. Continue reading
Scatti virali, un pericolo per la natura?
di Laura Scillitani
Pubblicato il 02/01/2025
Le foto naturalistiche sui social possono essere armi a doppio taglio per la natura. Se da un lato aiutano a sensibilizzare e informare, dall’altro, soprattutto se diventano popolar... Continue reading